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Quarterly update for academies from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) - July

Each week, ESFA publishes information for academies on the GOV.UK website which lays out the latest updates, things to be actioned and […]
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Quarterly update for academies from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) - April

Each fortnight, ESFA publishes information for academies on the GOV.UK website which lays out the latest updates, things to be actioned and […]
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Schools must convert in groups of three or more to claim £25k academy support grant

The government has announced new criteria for an academy conversion grant which means schools no longer qualify to receive £25k funding to […]
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Number of academies in deficit has doubled since 2021

A major report, co-authored by Duncan & Toplis, has found that the number of academy trusts spending more than they get in […]
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Spending shortfall in schools threatening pupil safety and teacher retention: 700,000 pupils in buildings needing major repairs

A recent report from the National Audit Office has uncovered that 700,000 school pupils in England are studying in schools that require […]
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Could schools afford a 6.5% pay rise without government funding?

An independent pay review body has recommended that teachers should receive a 6.5% pay increase this year.
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HMRC enquiry highlights VAT risks for academy trusts

A recent enquiry by HMRC has highlighted the need for academy trusts to be wary of accidental under-declarations of Value Added Tax […]
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Accountants warn education sector faces “financial breaking point”

The largest survey into the finances of academy schools in the UK reveals mounting fiscal uncertainty as surpluses drop sharply.
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Helping Greater Nottingham Education Trust with advice, accountancy and auditing services

Greater Nottingham Education Trust (GNET) is a multi-academy trust which includes Carlton le Willows Academy and Netherfield Primary School in Nottinghamshire.
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Working in perfect partnership with Wickersley Trust

Founded in 2014, Wickersley Partnership Trust aims to ensure that all students have the best educational experience possible. They strive to make […]
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Supporting Ash Field Academy with accountancy and auditing services

Duncan & Toplis works closely with Ash Field Academy in Leicester, supporting the school with internal audit reports, end of year reporting […]
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Why are academies’ balance sheets showing a surplus?

Some academies across the UK are experiencing huge surpluses on their balance sheets - but this is not a case of trusts […]
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