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Grow your business with trusted business advice

Duncan & Toplis offers entrepreneurs, start-ups, and small and medium-sized businesses a free initial consultation and expert guidance, with no obligation, helping you to future proof your business.

You can use your consultation to seek information on a wide range of topics, typically business finance, cash flow management, growth strategy, and restructuring.

You can request your free consultation using the form below.

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How does the consultation happen and how long does it take?
Your consultation can take place by video conference, over the telephone or even by email: you can agree the format that works best for you. Meetings are typically around one hour.

How much does it cost?
The initial consultation is completely free of charge and without any obligation.

What happens if I need more advice afterwards?
Duncan & Toplis offer a broad range of professional advice and services. Your initial consultation is free, however if you wish to continue with our services we will need to be engaged by your business for future advice.