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Business Tax

Our dedicated team of tax professionals can provide specialist advice to your company on business tax, tax enquiries and value-added tax (VAT).

Whether you’re looking for tax services that complement our accountancy and business advisory offering or a standalone service, you will benefit from a team that are efficient, reliable and qualified.

Choose Duncan & Toplis as your trusted partner for professional tax services.


Business tax

Business tax can be complex and time-consuming, especially when you get it wrong. Our clients trust us to pre-empt and solve the problems presented by corporate tax so that they can focus on running their business.

Our dedicated Tax Projects team provide specialist corporation tax services with tax structuring and planning, including business restructuring, tax reliefs, corporate income tax, passing down the business, exiting a business, trading internationally, and more.

We support many companies of varying sizes and structures with our business tax services, based in both the UK and internationally.

Tax enquiries

If HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) decide to investigate an individual or company’s tax return, it can be a highly stressful and uncertain time for anyone involved.

Each year, HMRC carries out a wide range of tax enquiries to ensure the right amount of tax has been paid. Its stringent process has recovered billions in additional tax revenue in recent years, achieved by targeting individuals using increasingly sophisticated software.

HMRC tax enquiries and investigations can be random or selective and have the aim of assessing whether a taxpayer has paid the right amount of tax.

With their in-depth knowledge of the investigative process, our corporate tax accountants and specialist advisers can support you through any investigation, ensuring that you’re compliant, have all the facts and can secure the best possible outcome.

Value-added tax (VAT)

VAT can be a complex area which is why we have an experienced, specialist team dedicated to assisting you with your queries and offering support, making VAT less daunting.

We can help your business ensure you are VAT compliant and prepared for future VAT enquiries. 

Within our VAT team, we have members who specialise in land and property, international transactions, charities, education, healthcare and finance.

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