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Stuart Brown appointed to Kreston Global ESG Advisory Committee

Duncan & Toplis | 11 January 2023

Stuart Brown, Head of Technical and Compliance at Duncan & Toplis, has been appointed to the new ESG Advisory Committee at Kreston Global.

Kreston Global, an international network of independent accounting firms, set up the new task force to guide the network through the key areas of ESG and sustainability.

ESG, which stands for environmental, social and corporate governance, has become an important topic in the world of business recently, and it refers to the standards used for evaluating the sustainability impacts of a business.

Supporting a sustainable future

Speaking about his appointment, Stuart said:

“My appointment to the ESG Advisory Committee will take my knowledge to a higher level and I am relishing the chance to discuss ESG matters with Kreston members from around the globe.

“I have a long held interest in ESG and sustainability matters. I grew up in a semi-rural community in the North West of England and was made well-aware of the impact that heavy industry had on the environment in the area. I am also acutely aware of the societal impact of such industry ceasing and the resulting economic hardship faced by many people living there.

“It is key to realise that sustainability does not simply relate to environmental matters – it relates to society and the impact on people and communities also. It’s about thinking more long-term, considering the impact decisions have on current and future generations.

“It is vital that we, as accountants, play a pivotal role in ensuring that firstly we do all we can to perform our own business in a way that supports a sustainable future and, secondly, provide support to our clients to ensure they are operating in a sustainable manner.”

Providing advice and guidance to global companies

The new ESG Committee will be assessing the regulatory environment, providing guidance for global member organisations to implement sustainable strategies and developing ESG advisory services for clients.

The group will begin issuing guidance by early Autumn 2023 and will report to the Kreston World Conference in Dubai in December 2023.

Stuart is ideally placed to serve on the committee as he holds a Master’s degree from the University of Nottingham in Biochemistry and Chemistry and recently completed the ICAEW’s certificate in Sustainability. Combined with his work as a technical expert in audit and financial reporting matters for Duncan & Toplis, he has the skills and knowledge to act as a bridge between the scientific and accountancy elements of sustainability.

In his position at Duncan & Toplis, Stuart also takes on a lead role looking at the sustainability strategy. His work has given him excellent insight into global sustainability matters, the risks posed to business both by physical and transitional ESG risks and the role that accountants have to play in ensuring a sustainable future.


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